The annual Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held again this year at the Crysler's Farm Monument, located immediately west of Upper Canada Village. On November 11th, join us at 8:45 am as we gather at the base of the monument. Promptly at 9:00am, led by a piper and costumed re-enactors, we will ascend the mound, where the ceremony will begin. 2023 marks 210 years since the Battle of Crysler's Farm ended the American campaign for Montreal, an accomplishment that earned Crysler's Farm the title of the Battle That Saved Canada. Join us to mark this occasion and pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of our ancestors. Unable to attend in person? No worries - we will be streaming the event live on Facebook as well. The recording will remain available after the event has ended.
We will be hosting our annual Remembrance Day ceremony on November 11th. Join us at 9:00 am to pay your respects to those who fell at Crysler’s Farm on November 11th 1813. The ceremony is open to the public, but all guests must sign in onsite in accordance with the EOHU guidelines. You can also register before the event by emailing our secretary, Kim McInnis, at [email protected] with the number of people attending and contact information for each guest. Masks must be worn if physical distancing of six feet cannot be maintained. The ceremony will be live-streamed on Facebook for those who wish to join us digitally. If you miss the live video – no worries! It will also be available after the ceremony has ended. Order of Service:
1) Welcome and Words….. Robert Irvine FCFB 2) Battle of Crysler’s Farm….. Historian Murray Barkley BA, MA 3) On Behalf of the Descendants of Those Who Fought….. Carol Thompson Goddard UE/FCFB 4) Words From the Re-enactment Community….. Capt. Mark Stubbs/49th Hertfordshire Regiment of Foot/ President FCFB 5) War of 1812 Prayer….. Reverend Daniel Hayward BA, MA, MDiv 6) Cannon Salute 7) Moment of Silence 8) Piper’s Lament….. Pipe Major Hugh Metcalfe/Royal Canadian Legion, Kemptville Branch 212 9) Cannon Salute 10) Laying of Wreaths 11) Closing: “When the Battle’s Over”….. Pipe Major Hugh Metcalfe This year, the Friends of Crysler’s Farm Remembrance Day Ceremony will look a little different. Due to COVID-19 and gathering restrictions in the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, the ceremony will be strictly by invitation only. However, we will be live-streaming the ceremony on Facebook for those who wish to remember and honour the soldiers and allies who fought and died in this decisive battle 207 years ago. The ceremony will begin at 9:00 am on Wednesday 11 November 2020. Tune in to the livestream, which can be found on our Facebook page, to commemorate this date with us. If you cannot watch it live, the video will be accessible on our Facebook page and our website after the ceremony has ended.
Commemorating 206 Years of Sacrifice and Valour The Friends of Crysler’s Farm Battlefield will be hosting a Remembrance Day ceremony on November 11, 2019, the 206th anniversary of the decisive battle, at the Crysler’s Farm Battlefield Memorial. A gathering will be held at 8:30 a.m., and the ceremony will begin at 9:00 a.m., lasting approximately half an hour. All are welcome to join us for this commemorative event. Coffee and treats to follow.
This year’s Remembrance Day ceremony featured a rare treat. The cannons at the Battle Monument were installed by the Canadian Federal Government in 1895, and were last fired at the opening of the Crysler’s Farm Battlefield National Historic Site in 1961. This year, they were fired again for the first time in over 50 years. The cannon themselves are a Blomefield Pattern 24 pounder cast iron gun, cast in 1806 in Falkiek Scotland at the Carron Foundry. They likely came over as ships guns mounted on the larger warships of the day. The iron skeleton carriages they’re mounted on are for peacetime only, and in time of war the cannon are put back on wooden carriages. The service load in the day was 8 pounds of powder; for the Remembrance Day ceremony, 1 pound of powder was used for the blank signal round. Preparation for return to service wasn’t a trivial task. From Bob Irvine:
Please join us on November 11th for the Crysler’s Farm Remembrance Day ceremony:
February 2025